Thursday, March 4, 2010

Parks and Recreation 2x17 - "Woman of the Year"

"The IOW are a bunch of sexist jerks who need to get back in the kitchen where they belong, and leave the real feminist work to actual feminists like Ron Swanson - Oh my God! What is happening...?"

"I still think awards are stupid, but they're less stupid if they go to the right people." Ron succinctly summarized my exact feelings about the Oscars, the Emmys, the Grammys, the Slammys and every other awards show.

The relationship between Ron and Leslie is one of the best things about this show. Ron was completely up front about how he does no work, lets Leslie do everything because she wants to and loves it, but didn't hesitate to completely screw with her just to see her grit her teeth and make that Leslie face.

Deputy Director Barbie should be sold in stores. That's a Barbie little girls should aspire to.

Meanwhile, Jean-Ralphio is back! What a phenomenal tool that guy is. Tom's presentation was the bomb. And like Jerry, I have also wondered if Lady Gaga, Snooki, etc. are real people.

I thought April was going to volunteer to move in Andy when they were apartment hunting. Her offer to car pool to work with him was the sweetest she's ever sounded.

Mark blew it. If he part-part owned that club, he'd never have to beg for sex again. I think he's lying; he begs for sex now.

A whole episode without Ann. Didn't miss her.