Thursday, September 23, 2010

Community 2x1 - "Anthropology 101"

I watched the entire NBC comedy block of premieres and I thought overall, Community killed everything.

The third act where "Jeff Learns About Respect" and Chang does a riff on Norman Osborne/The Green Goblin* (Donald Glover waking up in Spider-Man pajamas was brilliant) was the weakest act but it was preceded by about a million comedic hand grenades. The best of which was pretty much the entire second act blowing through a Jeff/Britta relationship and wedding storyline in the worst possible manner, preceded by the nastiest French kiss makeout between two attractive people I may have ever seen. 

Not only did they blow through Jeff/Britta as a couple in one act, they did it by simultaneously demolishing the study group before putting it back together. 

There isn't enough love in this world for Alison Brie and her beautiful reaction shots. Nor is there enough of her reaction shots in this world.

Plus Betty White drank her own pee and sang a Toto song with Abed and Troy at the end.

They're back, baby! Now, we go to school!

Before the episode was the experimental Community "Twittersode" setting up the season 2 premiere.

Jeff, Abed, Troy, Britta, Annie, Shirley, Pierce, Starburns, Dean Pelton, Senior Chang and Annie's Boobs the monkey are all Tweeting between 7pm-8pm Eastern time setting up the first class of the new semester.

And it actually is funny. Read them here:​​​​BackoftheHead/​​​​greendale

This being Twitter, you have to read from the bottom up, and the Twittersode officially starts with Annie:


But there's funny stuff before that even.

* Yes, I realize now it was Gollum:

@kenjeong Thank you all for the kind comments! Good Smeagol always helps. #Gollumchang #MyPrecious