Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Terra Nova 1x1, 1x2 - "Genesis, Parts 1 and 2"

Ah, Terra Nova. How glad am I Terra Nova exists? Not very, except for Terra Nova now replacing V as the eye roll-inducing sci-fi show I can live Tweet and goof on. And here we go:

BackoftheHead John Orquiola 

#terranova. The most trite, grating family of the future ends up 85 million years in the past. The Jetsons have more personality than them.

BackoftheHead John Orquiola 

#TerraNova is terra-ble. It's the kind of terra-ble where I'm yelling at the TV.

BackoftheHead John Orquiola 

Man alive, did I hate #TerraNova. What's the criteria for choosing who gets to time travel? "We need dummies. Real idiots. And stereotypes."

BackoftheHead John Orquiola 

#TerraNova premise: We have no means to halt environmental catastrophe! But we have time travel! Send idiots to the past to save humanity.

BackoftheHead John Orquiola 

The best #TerraNova character is the daughter who's smart. She knows facts. Useful info! And everyone regards her with withering looks.

BackoftheHead John Orquiola 

In a circumstance of time travel to a hostile past, the daughter who is intelligent is worth 50x more than her idiot brother. #TerraNova

BackoftheHead John Orquiola 

I liked the backstory of the Sixers. "They arrived at #TerraNova, took a look around, figured they'd take their chances elsewhere." No shit.

BackoftheHead John Orquiola 

No one on #TerraNova ever notices when dinosaurs show up. "WHOA! Dinosaurs are here!" They're gigantic. You can't hear them coming?

BackoftheHead John Orquiola 

Plus #TerraNova is protected by what looks like a bamboo fence. The entire compound is a @WWE Punjabi Prison match.

BackoftheHead John Orquiola 

Why are a herd of brachiosauruses allowed to graze right next to #TerraNova and eat all the flora? Are they tamed? "They DO move in herds."

BackoftheHead John Orquiola 

Everyone who contributed to the kid the Slasher raptor didn't kill saying, "THAT'S why they call them Slashers!" should be fired. #TerraNova

BackoftheHead John Orquiola 

Except for everything I just Tweeted and everything else about #TerraNova, otherwise the show is great. Hope it goes for ten seasons.